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Session スピリチュアル話 エンジェルタロット 翻訳に 邁進(笑)

エンジェルタロット 翻訳に 邁進(笑)

そして ランダムに翻訳していたのですが(笑)
出たカードに 降伏です? 
さらに エッセンスとして 数字もかなり入っていますね(笑)
0 The Dreamer/Archangel Metatron

A leap of faith. Follow your dreams. Unexpected opportunities.

The angels bring you this card because you’re entering a new and exciting phase of your life. It’s important that you believe in yourself and know that the benevolent Universe wants you to succeed. Now is the time for faith, and commitment to your dreams! Take any necessary steps to move forword with confidence.

Listen to our own inner guidance about following your dreams, but be open to information from others regarding the detailed steps to take. You may need additional input or guidance from an expert before proceeding, but don’t let this stall your forward movement. Actively seek the insight you need.

Additional meaning of this card: Leaps of faith. Creative solutions, Unexpected opportunities. Asserting your independence. The need for optimistic approaches to challenges.

Archangel Metatron is the overseer of those who  are new to the  spiritual path, and to young people who are spiritually aware. He’s a wonderful guide to call upon to help you overcome awkwardness and fully commit to taking action and moving forward toward can retain childlike awe and wonder while making your way in the world.

0 夢追い人/大天使メタトロン

信念の跳躍。 夢を追いかけよう。 思いがけないチャンス


このカードのその他の意味 信仰の跳躍。創造的な解決策、予期せぬ機会。自立の主張。課題に対する楽観的なアプローチの必要性。


Queen of Fire

Confident, Warm, Intelligent, Graceful

Stretch your wings and fly! Don’t underestimate yourself. Assert your independence and creativity.

Situations: Now is the time to stretch your wings and really fly. You’ve been underestimating yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity.

People: A person with a magnetic personality who is good-natured and love life. Someone with great self-confidence who is astonishingly well-rounded in terms of talents and skills. Attractive. Warm. Intelligent. Graceful. Capable. Active. Convincing. Difficult to throw off guard.

Additional meaning of this card: Trurting your intuition. Balancing home and career. A desire for attention and recognition.



翼を広げて、空を飛べ 自分を過小評価しないでください。独立心と創造性を発揮してください。

シチュエーション 今こそ翼を伸ばして、本当に飛ぶ時です。あなたはこれまで自分自身や自分の能力を過小評価してきました。あなたを支援するために他の人々を引き寄せるすべてを信じてください。あなたの独立性と創造性を主張する。

人です。お人好しで人生を愛する、魅力的な性格の人。才能やスキルの面で驚くほど充実している偉大な自信を持つ人。魅力的。暖かい。知性的。気品がある。有能である。活発な 説得力がある。不意打ちを食らいにくい。

このカードの追加の意味 直感を刺激する。家庭とキャリアのバランスをとる。注目されたい、認められたいという願望がある。

Two of Earth

Too much going on at once. The need to make a decision. Consider a more playful approach.

You’re doing too much. You may experience financial instability, or have too many projects on  your plate. You’re  feeling stress, yet you’re managing to maintain the status quo at work and home. If you’re considering a carrier change, keep your current job and slowly trancition to the new one.

The situation you’re  inquiring about requires or new parspectives. If you’re struggling to make a chice, try a more playful approach. If you lighten up, you may easily find the answer.

Additional meanings of this card : Dealing with change. Woking multiple jobs. The need to balance your budget. The ability to adapt.





このカードのその他の意味 : 変化に対応すること。複数の仕事を掛け持ちしている。予算のバランスを取る必要がある。適応する能力。

Two of Air

Being unable or unwilling to make a decision. A stalemate. Pretending there is no problem.

You’re struggling with a decision. You have  conflicting emotions or thoughts about which way to move, so  you’re avoiding making a choice. Intuitively, you know what to do, but you’re afraid to act and are at an impasse. Have faith in your own wisdom and move forward!

There’s a stalemate between parties. Compromise is called for. Find an impartial mediator to forge a resolution.

Additional meanings of this card: Overanalyzing a situation. Pretending there’s no problem. Complex negotiations. Self-doubt.





このカードのその他の意味 状況を分析しすぎる。問題がないふりをする。複雑な交渉。自責の念にかられる。

Six of Earth

Gifts of money, time, or effort. New career opportunities. Receiving a loan or paying off debts.

Abundance is on the way. The Universe loves a grateful heart and rewards gratitude with more abundance. You may be the recipient of this bounty, or  take some other form, such as an opportunity, advice, and so forth.

New career opportunities present themselves involving those who can be relied upon to be fair and responsible. Promotions, bonuses, and financial rewards are all possible at this time.

Additional meanings of this card :Profit sharing. Receiving a loan. The paying off of debts. Celebration of a job well done.





このカードのその他の意味 :利益分配。融資を受ける。借金の返済。仕事がうまくいった時のお祝い。

エンジェル・ナンバー - ドリーン・バーチュー, 牧野・M・美枝

0 12 2 2 6 









属性の光線 第四光線・・・葛藤を通じた調和、美、芸術属性の光線 第四光線・・・葛藤を通じた調和、美、芸術

属性の光線 第四光線・・・・葛藤を通して実現する調和、美、芸術の光線 第五光線・・・・具象的科学と具象的知識の光線 第六光線・・・・抽象的理想主義と献身の光線 第七光線・・・・祭儀的秩序、魔術、儀式、ないし組織の光線 完 […]
